"Tropic Thunder Get Some" is a fast moving, gun-toting comedy flick starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr., and Tom Cruise. The movie is pretty straight forward, and doesn't require too much thinking. I would describe TTGS as a mix between "Rundown" and "Rambo", only funnier. I don't want to ruin the movie experience with spoilers, so I won't write about the plot. The basic idea the director probably had was to throw a group of comedy actors into the jungle and let them interact with each other. The characters were pretty interesting, and they really held the movie together. Jack Black's portrayal of a drug addict was great, and Downey's fake black persona was quite humorous. In my opinion, Jack Black was the funniest actor in the movie, and was lucky enough to get the best lines and scenes. I wouldn't categorize this film as simply a comedy. The action scenes and gun fights are very well executed and rival many other action movies out now. When the actors aren't joking around and delivering funny lines, they're shooting at enemies, jumping out of flying helicopters, killing pandas, and dodging missiles. Therefore, I'd label this as an action-comedy. Ben Stiller's deadpan style is the same as it is in other movies he's put out, such as "Zoolander" and "Starsky & Hutch". If you've seen those, you know what's in store. Tom Cruise had a great role in the movie as well, although I don't want to reveal which disguised role he plays. I didn't even know he was in the movie until the ending credits started appearing. Some of the characters could have been more developed and interesting, especially the two young guys in the squad. I didn't get to see them in any funny scenes, which is most likely due to poor writing by the movie's makers. All in all, "Tropic Thunder Get Some" is a good summer flick that's worth going out and watching. Just don't expect too much.
Movie Score: 4 grenades out of 5.
very good Khamburger, but Juntao is much much better! please, yes.
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