Just when you think you've seen graffiti on every paintable surface (walls, trains, stop signs, bathroom stalls, etc), a London-based street artist has come up with a genius new idea--vandalizing snail shells. Under the pseudoynm Slinkachu, he has made his mark on the city's small slithering gastropods. Whether or not you agree with his methods, you have to admire the man's originality. His artwork is really going places. Pun intended.

See more of Slinkachu's snail art at innercitysnail.blogspot.com
Also, make sure to check out his "Little People" project here: little-people.blogspot.com
that's so cool.. but kind of sad. haha if i was a snail i wouldn't like to carry around toy people. why do you keep changing your blog name??? haha
hahah. that's really... interesting.
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