Okay, I know what you must be thinking. Bullets? But don't worry, I'm not talking about those kinds of bullets. I'm gonna try something new for this post. Instead of writing a normal paragraph form entry, I'm going to use bullets. These are the nonviolent kind of bullets.
- Today in my Humanities class we talked about racial stereotypes
- My teacher asked me to list some stereotypes, but I refused and said I didn't want to offend anyone. Either I looked really lazy or really kind.
- Finished my second story for Creative Writing
- Feel all right about the piece. It has enough substance to keep the reader's interest
- Made 35 copies of the story for my class fellows
- Later at night, I chilled at Dan's
- Played NHL '94 with my homie Jesus
- Its a fourteen year old game for Sega Genesis
- Its nearly impossible to score a damn goal in the game
- They have the San Jose Sharks in there, so thats cool
- This is my second blog entry in a row that mentions hockey. Oh man
- We went to eat dinner at Yack in the Box
- I ate some mozzarella sticks that were just fabulous. Marvelous, really.
- We were there for hella long, and the workers forgot we were still there and locked us in
- Rolled around in the Orchard Supply shopping carts and removed them from store property, which is a federal crime
- Dropped off Jesus at Magic Sands. Every time I go there I feel like a kid again
- That concludes the night. I hope you enjoyed this bulleted format. I will never use it again
haha. cool BULLETS
what's so great about this magic sands area?? haha
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