On nuts

Can't spell nutrition without the nut. With so many different nuts to choose from, a nut novice may end up overwhelmed. What should you eat? Peanuts or almonds, chestnuts or walnuts, pistachios or pecans? It all boils down to personal preference in the end. Also, it helps to think about exactly where and when will you consume your nuts. If you are expecting to be on the run, perhaps almonds and unshelled peanuts should be the best choice. If you have some time to spare and leisurely eat your nuts in the comfort of a warm fireplace or in the glow of a television screen, opt for walnuts and pistachios. These nuts take a little more effort and time to enjoy. Regardless of the nuts you choose, make sure to have fun. Nuts are a great way to relax and think about life.

Enjoy all nuts all the time

On handshakes

Handshakes are the worst member of the Shake family. There's Milkshakes, Mango shakes, Strawberry shakes, Handshakes, and booty shakes. Despite being the lamest kind of shake, handshakes are perhaps the most important out of this list in terms of real life relevance. Nothing conveys confidence, power, and trust like a firm handshake. When shaking hands it is important to use the entire hands. Pinky shakes are unacceptable, and two-handed shakes (with the left hand covering the shake) should be reserved for African diplomats. Everyone else can use the traditional handshake.

The power of the handshake lies in the vulnerability it brings to the parties involved in the transaction. Your hands accumulate germs and gross shit all day every day. The handshake, then, is a relay of experience--a sort of formalized swapping of spit. When you shake a man's hand, you are shaking everything that man has ever held. There is importance in this. There is ancient wisdom

[March] 8.

[March] 8.

Attended classes while affected with a sluggish stupor, not unlike that of a drunkard or loafer. As the last class session of the day was coming to an end I became aware of my deep desire to rest for an hour or so, in desperate hopes of shaking off my fatigues and commencing my day's reading. Seeing that I was now free from the burdens of a busy schedule, I left the university campus and made haste towards Piedmont and Haste, reaching my humble abode in due time. A indulgent and uninterrupted rest followed, and a few hours afterwards I began to make preparations for my supper--Chinese vegetable "chow mein." Dinner was served, consumed, and the paper plates lodged in the trash bin. I ended the night with a lengthy bout of reading.

lake ta***

tomorrow ill be heading out to lake tahoe out in the eastern edge of california and the western border of nevada. lake tahoe is filled with a lot of great natural things like trees, lakes, snows, and large rocks. people enjoy visiting lake tahoe in the summer for the sunny lakeside picnic areas and in the winter for the snow covered ski slopes. the name lake tahoe is controversial because it includes the word "hoe," a modern slang term for a female strumpet. take care BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop